hmmm in the midnight on 21 november 2012.. 1 p.m.. so i realise that i
should let go every single things about him, he is my past eventhough
it's hard for me but alia nadia you have to .. till when you want to
act like this ? he doesn't care about you at all. silap silap dia dah
ada yang baru * i guess* plkn tu hm 3 bulan kat sana tak mungkin dia
tak ada yang baru tapi hm USNUZON alia nadia hish nooo he didnt call
me at all, didnt text me at all while me it's waiting for his call and
text then 29 november he will be right back so what to do i'm just hope
he's okay nak harap lebih2 pun bukan ada ape2 dengan dia .. so we're
used to be in love together and shared everythings together .. i hope
we're not enemies even see you with someone else are hurting me but let
gone by gone -sorry for everythings and thanks because you used to be part of my life